Improvisation Tools

JV's Blues Worksheet #1

This sheet gives you the blues scale (2 separate octaves) as well as 1 variation of the 12-bar blues progression.  In addition, there are 8 sample rhythms that can be used for beginners to improvise with using the notes of the blues scale.

C Instruments
Bb Instruments
Eb Instruments
Bass Clef Instruments (Higher version)
Bass Clef Instruments (Lower Instruments)
F Instruments
Alto Clef Instruments


JV's Blues Licks - Volume 1

Often, students are afraid to improvise because they just don't know the language.   Improvising a full jazz solo is very similar to writing an essay.   The notes are just like letters.  Learning a scale is important, but only teaches you the alphabet.  How to use the alphabet is a whole different story.  This sheet give you 8 different blues "sentences" that you can memorize and pull out of your bag of tricks when it's their turn to improvise and begin to create their jazz essay.  (the good news is that in jazz, it's ok to steal people's licks and use them.  In fact, it can be seen as a form of flattery!)  As you gain experience, you will add more and more licks to your repertoire and be able to mix and match them more fluently.  You can practice this along with the Jamey Aebersold Bb Blues Track from volume 1 or find any other playalong track for the Bb blues on Youtube.

C Instruments
Bb Instruments
Bass Clef Instruments (Lower version)
Alto Clef Instruments
Bass Clef Instruments (higher version)
F Instruments
Eb Instruments

More improv tools coming soon!